Home News PM Portia Simpson Reveals How Jamaicans Can Make Christmas More Meaningful

PM Portia Simpson Reveals How Jamaicans Can Make Christmas More Meaningful

And, BAMM! She appears to give a Christmas message. All year the question has been ‘Where is Portia?’ What has happened to Portia Lucretia Simpson-Miller? What has happened to the woman Jamaicans love dearly? What has happened to the woman who once spoke so passionately about the less fortunate?


Today the Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson-Miller, who rarely addresses national issues of concerns publicly, but can loudly and boldly react to any hint of criticism towards her personally, has come from hiding to share what she loves the most about Christmas. The PM also revealed the ‘real’ meaning of Christmas and how Jamaicans can make Christmas more meaningful in a video uploaded by the Jamaica Information Service Website.

In Jamaica, we have a ‘leader’ who hides from the press, lodges scripted support for incompetent cabinet ministers. In August, the ‘beloved’ PM solicited questions from the public through a local newspaper to provide answers in a new feature dubbed ‘Ask Your Prime Minister‘.

One must note that a leader is someone who has an excellent command of the issues on a day to day basis, someone who can speak intelligently on a range of issues, domestic and international. Since she took office, most Jamaicans are in denial about the Honourable PM’s ineptness.
